We look forward to your call, your e-mail and your visit to our premises.
That is why we have compiled the most important contact information for you here.
Table of Contents
01. How to reach us
Location Wolfhagen
Wolf Power Systems GmbH
Unterm Dorfe 8
34466 Wolfhagen-Ippinghausen
Phone: +49 (0)5692 9880-15
Central: +49 (0) 5692 9880-0Monday - Thursday 7.00 to 16.30
Friday 7.00 to 13.30
Location Wolfhagen
Wolf Power Systems GmbH
Streßelfeld 1
29475 Gorleben
Phone: +49 (0) 5882 9872-0
Monday - Thursday 7.00 to 16.30 pm
Friday 7.00 to 12.15